Convertible Stroller Tricycle - What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

Convertible Stroller Tricycle - What Is It and What Are the Benefits? - Aussie Baby

Tricycles aren’t just reserved for older children anymore! These days, trikes are created specifically to be used by toddlers and babies, making them great stroller alternatives for parents who need to get around with their little ones but don’t want to drive or walk everywhere they go. That’s why we decided to create this guide on stroller tricycles, including what they are, the different kinds of stroller trikes available today, and the many benefits of using these new-age strollers instead of more traditional modes of transportation with babies and small children. We hope you enjoy!

Aussie Baby Deluxe Foldable Trike with Parent Control - YellowAussie Baby Deluxe Foldable Trike with Parent Control - Red

Are convertible tricycle strollers safe?

Convertible tricycle strollers must comply with the mandatory Australian safety standard for prams and strollers (AS/NZS 2088:2000 or later).

Convertible tricycle strollers must have these essential features to comply with standards:

  • Parking brakes to prevent it from rolling away and need to be red for visibility
  • Permanently-fixed harness with waist and crotch straps to secure your child
  • A tether strap on the handle as added security against rolling
  • Clear warning notices for safe use

How old is a child suitable for a convertible tricycle stroller?

Children between ages 1 year and 3 years old are ideal for a convertible tricycle stroller. They can begin riding a tricycle as soon as they have mastered walking independently. In fact, your child may even take to it immediately, if he has been accustomed to riding in strollers from infancy. Most children will be ready for a convertible tricycle stroller between 15 months and 18 months of age, but you can wait until 20 months if your baby is still unsteady on his feet. Always keep in mind that there's no rushing when it comes to learning to ride; if your little one is not quite ready yet, allow him more time before trying again.

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