正哲 厚味蘇打餅 胡椒香辣口味 Soda Cracker Pepper Spicy Flavour
Soda Cracker Pepper Spicy Flavour 正哲 厚味蘇打餅 胡椒香辣口味 不添加化學澱粉,以小麥麵粉經自然發酵揉麵,並添加多種穀類、酵母粉、亞麻仁、芝麻與昆布等食材,再撒上胡椒、等提味,味覺層次飽滿豐厚;調味採用更健康的礦鹽,且不添加氫化酥油粉,口感健康不油膩,風味更加自然,讓您輕鬆享受健康無負擔的美味點心。 ZHeng Zhe Rock salt Soda Cracker: Fermented with yeast naturally. We added buckwheat, flax se7.ed, sesame and kelp for your good health. In addition, there are...
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Soda Cracker Pepper Spicy Flavour
正哲 厚味蘇打餅 胡椒香辣口味
ZHeng Zhe Rock salt Soda Cracker:
Fermented with yeast naturally. We added buckwheat, flax se7.ed, sesame and kelp for your good health. In addition, there are no artificial colouring and preservatives in this delightful and balanced baking recipe. it is a perfect and tasty snack with tea or coffee for your family. You can simply grab some on your way out, or keep one pack in the car or on your desk, for easy snacking. Enjoy it throughout the day and have good health.
NET: 380g
6 packs
正哲 厚味蘇打餅 胡椒香辣口味
ZHeng Zhe Rock salt Soda Cracker:
Fermented with yeast naturally. We added buckwheat, flax se7.ed, sesame and kelp for your good health. In addition, there are no artificial colouring and preservatives in this delightful and balanced baking recipe. it is a perfect and tasty snack with tea or coffee for your family. You can simply grab some on your way out, or keep one pack in the car or on your desk, for easy snacking. Enjoy it throughout the day and have good health.
NET: 380g
6 packs